Distributes vegetation, detritus, and soil C, and initial NPP flux from an existing biome across multiple new biomes.
Hector core
Name of biome that will be split up
Names of biomes to be created
Fractions of vegetation C distributed to each biome in `new_biomes`. Must be the same length as `new_biomes`. Default is to split vegetation C evenly between all biomes.
Fractions of detritus C distributed to each biome. Defaults to the same value as `fveg_c`.
Fractions of soil C distributed to each biome. Defaults to the same value as `fveg_c`.
Fraction of initial NPP flux distributed to each biome. Defaults to the same value as `fveg_c`.
Additional biome-specific parameters, as set by [create_biome()]. Note that these are passed to [create_biome()] via [base::mapply()], so they can be vectorized across biomes.